Three commercial insurance features to consider

Commercial insurance is one of the most important things that a small business owner in Emmaus, PA can invest in. At Patrick McNealis Insurance and Financial Group, we offer commercial insurance that protects a business owner’s livelihood and may be required by law in some cases.

It can seem confusing at first to purchase a commercial insurance policy because of all the different options and features available. The following are three commercial insurance features in particular that business owners may want to consider for their policies. 

Business interruption coverage

Events could cause a company to temporarily have to close its doors. This could happen as a result of natural disasters or theft. Business interruption coverage compensates a company for profits that are lost as the result of a temporary closure of a company’s facilities. 

Product liability coverage

Companies that produce and sell products can benefit from product liability coverage. Product production leaves companies open to possible lawsuits if customers claim that a product caused them physical injury or other damages. 

Errors and omissions coverage

Companies that give professional advice or provide recommendations to clients as part of their everyday business operations could benefit from adding errors and omissions coverage to their commercial insurance policies.

This type of coverage compensates a company for expenses that result from legal defense costs if they are sued over such activities. Errors and omissions coverage is a type of professional liability coverage that is essential to companies that could be sued by clients for the advice or care they provide.

If you’d like to learn about insurance options available to you for your business in Emmaus, PA, get in touch with us at Patrick McNealis Insurance and Financial Group. 


Identifying Roof Damage After Winter

Winter is almost over, which means it’s time to inspect your home for damages caused by the snow, ice, and wind that winter brought. One of the most important things many people overlook is the roof. Residents of Emmaus, PA experience a great deal of snow, ice, and water on their roof, which can shorten the lifespan of the roofing materials. The earlier you identify issues with the roof, the easier it may be to repair. To help identify potential damages from the winter, Patrick McNealis Insurance and Financial Group have put together a brief list of things to help identify winter roof damage.

Missing Shingles

Once the snow has melted off the roof, the first thing to look for is missing shingles. If you aren’t comfortable climbing a ladder to inspect the roof, contact a professional roofing company to inspect the roof for you. If there are missing shingles, it’s crucial that they are replaced as soon as possible to avoid the risk of significant damage occurring to the structure of your home.

Granules in Gutters

As roofing shingles begin to wear thin, the granules will fall into the gutters as well as on the ground. If you are noticing small piles of granules around the foundation of your home, it’s probably due to worn, thin shingles. Winter weather is especially rough on the top layer of the roofing shingles (granules), and if the shingles wear too much, it will lead to leaks, so it’s best to have the shingles replaced as soon as possible.

Dark Spots

If you are noticing dark spots on the roof, it is most likely the result of water damage or mold. As the snow melts, especially when there are missing shingles, the water will run down and behind the shingles, resulting in dark spots. If the damages go unrepaired, the trapped water will lead to mold and mildew on and under the roof.

To ensure your roof is cleaned up from the winter and ready for spring, remove all tree branches and limbs from the roof that may have broken off during the winter, the gutter system to remove all debris and inspect the metal flashing.

To review your current homeowner’s insurance or to update your policy, residents of Emmaus, PA and those around the state should contact Patrick McNealis Insurance and Financial Group.